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Wildstar AMPS Guide

Empty Amps Wildstar


Here you see the AMPs screen with 16 points to spend in the middle of the screen. As you can see there are different trees to put points into that will go with your playstyle and abilites you’ll use from the LAS above. Above the Ability Points and AMP Power you will find the cost to reset these AMPs and start over. There are three main trees and three hybrid trees:

Assault – DPS increasing AMPs that will benefit your assault abilities by increasing your damage stats and giving buffs when using certain abilities.

Support – Tanking/Healing increasing AMPs that provide buffs when you use an ability, avoid a hit while tanking, or crit while healing.

Utility – Utility increasing AMPs that may reduce crowd control times, reduce ability cooldowns, or more quickly generate dashes.

Hybrid A/S - Increasing points that may help with either assault or support AMPs where a Stalker might find Lifesteal in the A/S tier to help out, or a stun after being hit after a number of times.

Hybrid S/U - Increasing points that may help with either support or utility AMPs. Here you will find PVP Defense, AMPs to increase shield sizes and more.

Hybrid A/U - Increasing points that may help with either assault or utility AMPs. Here you will find PVP Offense, AMPs to regain shields on killing a foe and more.


Empty Amps1 Wildstar


Each AMP tree has three tiers to them that require a number of points into the tree to progress.

Tier 1 - General increases in stats, health regen, shields, etc.

Tier 2 – This tier is where you will find ability altering AMPs. You may find AMPs to give a buff when you crit a foe, increase healing when you dash successfully out of an enemy telegraph, and increase speed when you are near a foe at 25% life left.

Tier 3 – This tier is where you will find more ability altering AMPs as well as new abilities that you need to unlock to use on your LAS. Things like a clone for a Stalker, healing beacons for Medics, or a repair bot for an Engineer.


Locked AMPS Wildstar


Above are all the locked abilities you find in the AMP trees.

Blue Locks – Tier 1 locks need a point put into the point ahead of them to unlock. When you add one point, the locks on that path then become available.

Silver Locks – Tier 2 and Tier 3 locks that don’t require you to find the AMP in the world to unlock. You simply need enough points in the first tier of this tree to unlock these.

Red Locks – Tier 2 and Tier 3 locks that require you to purchase an AMP or find one in the open world in order to use this ability. These can be found from vendors, quests, and world drops.

You can find the locations of these AMPS on our AMP database.