May 09 Views (1222)

Tips and Tricks for Questing in WildStar

There are comprehensive list of things that you should know before you jump into Nexus world.These tips will help you find general and advanced answers about housing, mounts, crafting, questing, and much more.Today we will share the Questing tricks with you.


wildstar questing

1.If you click the little number next to the quests name in your quest tracker it will open your questlog on said quest.
2.You can use quest items by pressing T
3.When you click on a quest title in the tracker you get arrows pointing you in the right direction.
4.While questing, look out for special settler-taxi stations, those usually travel short distance to your current quest areas.
5.You can get special weapons from named monsters. If you complete a mini quest connected to your weapon, it will give the weapon a special effect
6.If you haven’t completed a challenge don’t panic, you can restart a challenge after a cooldown, in the challenge menu.
7.You can restart challenges even if you achieved the gold medal.
8.When you’re doing a challenge and you don’t know where you can find more of X monster, look at the map. Purple hexagons indicate the zone you can find those monsters or anything else related to your challenge