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The Detailed Introduction of Mining Ore Farming in Wildstar

When you reach level 10, you can go to the village and find merchants to lear these skills. Then choose mining, and click "Learn". After a small conversation, you would get the simple mining tools.


wildtstar mining


Equip the mining tool which can be found in your pack. And now you have the mining abilities.


wildstar learn mining


After you completed the system quest, you can get a Tool-Mining. Of course, you can buy it from the store.


wildstar mining tools


While, the price for the player at 10 lvl is a little expensive, so get the present and start to mine.

Now, let’s do it! In the wild and dungeon, there would appear the icons like this in the picture. You can click right key to mine. If you did not equip with tool-mining, you can use skill to attack ore and collect the materials. But the premise is that you have to learn the skills of mining.

The ore has 5 different levels, for example, if you required Mining 1 level that you can get lvl 1 Ore. You can check your ming experience through key “T”.

The most interesting thing in Wild Star is that Ore can attack you sometimes. While, you can get more awards when Ore recover. In addition that you may encounter the Mines in the wild, there will be countless ore lets you collected within 2 minutes!