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POE: Each Existing Class Getting Three Subclasses To Explore

In Path of Exile, any class will work starting out, but you might want to look up starting builds so that you don't horribly screw up your tree/gearing and more. Path of Exile has already turned a lot of heads thanks to its tight controls, lovingly crafted worlds and exciting top-down dungeon crawling gameplay. New classes are probably the biggest draw, with each existing class getting three subclasses to explore, as well as the solo Scion class. Concerning more information on the game, find more at here




Saboteur: Traps & mines

Assassin: Crit, crit, crit and poison

Trickster: Movement & evasion/energy shield



Inquisitor: Elemental

Hierophant: Totems & mana

Guardian: Defensive support



Elementalist: Elemental 

Necromancer: Minions, offensive support

Occultist: Chaos damage, curses, and energy shield



Deadeye: Archer

Pathfinder: All about flasks

Raider: Speed, speed, and attack damage



Slayer: 2H damage, AoE and leech

Gladiator: 1H damage, block and bleed

Champion: Generic damage, generic damage mitigation



Berserker: Damage, warcries and leech

Chieftain: Fire, life regen, and totems

Juggernaut: Lots of defense and some movement/accuracy stuff



Pick any two ascendancies, but get a very watered down version of them. Some are okay, but overall not in a great spot right now.


Overall, the game is dark, really dark. They have the dark filtering on maximum in a lot of areas in the game. There are some brighter areas that you can play through that are really pretty. The game has a somewhat odd lasting appeal, so, players are also willing to buy poe trade currency as quickly as possible.