Jan 17 Views (1347)

Path Of Exile's Impressive Growth: Active Skills And Passive Skills

Path of Exile's impressive growth looks to continue with some of new content. Chris Wilson, to talk about why now is the perfect time for new players to get into Path of Exile. You will have chance to know more information about the game, visit the official website here. At U4GM, we are huge Path of Exile fans here, that is actually why you can always buy cheap poe orbs in our shop. 



Let's See The Game's Skills: Active Skills And Passive Skills


Active Skills

Cleave is a skill related to strength that's useful when you want to quickly get rid of a group of enemies. Using it hits all enemies within its range. 

Flicker Strike will give you an excellent and simple way of escaping. It makes the character teleport to a selected enemy and hit them with increased damage. 

Viper Strike can replace your basic attack, as long as you have enough mana or right potions. When the enemy gets hit with it will be poisoned which will save you some time to kill them. 

Dual Strike is a very useful skill that uses both weapons that you're holding. You can get rid of single enemies and, what's more important, difficult bosses, because it does great damage to a specific target. 


Passive Skills

In this build, duelist will go towards a balanced development based equally on both attributes. Passives should be related to melee physical damage, especially with swords and dual wielding. You should also focus on health level and its regeneration, dodges and, a bit less, armor. 


The gameplay is mainly based on close combat. Duelist developed in two attributes will be less tough than marauder but he'll attack much faster and dodge more effectively. Playing with this character will be more reserved and cautious while facing groups of enemies. Thanks to a combination of attack speed and right skill gems, your character will be able to slay more and more enemies.In addition to the game's skills, and its features also was revealed, and let's go to website now.