Jan 17 Views (1226)

Path Of Exile Overview Of Game Modes

Path of Exile has launched worldwide in 2013 and the game is much similar to the authentic Diablo taste. Path of Exile has been proven a successful imitator of Diablo series, with over 11 million players across the world. It's sure that the number will be greatly up when the game release more new expansions.



The Campaign of Path of Exile consists of Acts 1 through 10. The process of cultivating a character as the story progresses is recognized early in the game. Once the campaign is completed, it will enter full-fledged end-game content. Once the map system is demolished and you are playing in a new area, the amount of this map system is rather more than the campaign, so you will spend most of your time here if you are a high-level user. It also completes character enhancement elements that began in Story Mode, such as Asenden City and Pantheon. In addition, various end game bosses and quests can be performed..


Basically, there are a lot of players in the game, but also party and guild system, of course, can also develop special supporters and healers for party play. There is also PvP functionality, but no other content. Until 2017, Sarn Arena is the only Arena-like area and a system that can challenge other users or parties in town.


There is a league system similar to Diablo's season. Once in the normal mode, the standard league and the hardcore league that ends once you are dead are kept at all times, and the characters in the same league share Path of Exile items and found areas. In addition, every time large-scale content updates are made at approximately three-month intervals, a new ruleset and unique content-based periodic leagues are launched. In a regular league, characters and items and leaderboards are reset, and when the league is over, it is added to the standard or hardcore. In addition, the racing season, which is a short-term event league, is often held with rewards for visual items.