Dec 25 Views (1279)

Path Of Exile Is Getting Five New Acts In Addition To The Expected Act V

Path of Exile is a delight if games like Diablo are your thing. The fact that Path of Exile is getting five new acts in addition to the expected Act V comes with a minor caveat - Acts VI, VII, VIII, IX and X are effectively a reworking of the game’s original acts, with new NPCs, art styles, quests, bosses and layouts. Do you plan on buying Cheap PoE orbs



Path of Exile's myriad challenge leagues have previously offered up many valuable and highly sought after items to players who could commit enough time and energy into mastering them. The game's structure will no longer involve repeating the same four acts three time in order to reach Path of Exile's endgame. I have to mention how beautiful Path of Exile looks too. Technically, it kicks Diablo 3 to the kerb, featuring much more detailed environments and character models alongside more realistic lighting. 


Path of Exile's myriad challenge leagues have previously offered up many valuable and highly sought after items to players who could commit enough time and energy into mastering them. Path of Exile just lets you boot the game up, create a character and then head off on a merry adventure full of quests, loot and murder. Now,  just sit down in front of your platform of choice, give Path of Exile a download, and simply enjoy.


Grinding Gear Games are working alongside Tencent to bring Path of Exile over to the Chinese market, and anticipate player numbers that are magnitudes larger than the current worldwide player base - so here's to many more years of Path of Exile updates. When I heard that Path of Exile, a Diablo-like, action RPG was coming to Xbox One, I was elated. Each game profile contains useful information about the game, gameplay videos, user reviews, gameplay screenshots, see more at here