Jul 10 Views (1058)

How to Protect your Account?

Even if you have never had your MMO account stolen before, you probably know somebody who has suffered this fate. It's absolutely brutal. Carbine is at war with botters, gold sellers and account stealers in an effort to make WildStar as terrific a game experience as possible. But they need everyone's help and have provided a tool for every player to secure their own account: 2-step verification. All this means is that in addition to a normal password, you set up a second login code through Google authenticator. It's free, easy to set up and to use -- instructions are right here.


retroblade mount


While many have already set up 2-step verification, many have not and that leaves their account quite vulnerable and causes customer service to spend time dealing with account hacks. Don't be the one who said "It can't happen to me!" When you set it up you get an extra code from your phone to enter on your login screen which looks like this:

Upon logging in tomorrow, July 10, 2014, you will see in your account items a brand new mount as a thank you gift from Carbine for securing your account:

Keep in mind that this mount is in addition to the other benefits your account will receive from simply setting up 2-step verification:

2% XP, Renown, and Prestige bonus
Cybernetic Eyepatch
In-game title of Certifiably Certified 

If not already set up, click the link above and be on your way knowing that your account is as secure as it can possibly be. If you've already set it up, check out your account items for the sweet new mount!