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How to earn WildStar game time with credd

WildStar C.R.E.D.D is the abbreviation of WildStar Certificate of Research, Exploration, Destruction and Development. This is the item issued by the official which can be exchanged with other players for WildStar Gold. In return, those who do not want to pay the monthly fee can sell their gold for CREDD and pay for the subscription fee.


wildstar credd


C.R.E.D.D. can be bought from other players in-game via the Commodities Exchange (CX) for earned in-game gold. Alternately, you can purchase C.R.E.D.D. online at the wildstar official site now .The CX is unique in that when a player wants to buy a particular commodity, they will only be able to buy that commodity at the lowest currently offered price, with no awareness of who’s actually selling it. Once the stock of that commodity at that price is gone, players will then be able to buy from the available stock at the next lowest price.

Once any character on your account has the item, you activate the C.R.E.D.D. in-game from your character inventory (kinda like a potion… but for subscription time) and your subscription is auto-magically extended.What's more u can stockpile C.R.E.D.D on your build bank so you can use it at later time.