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Here's What's New For Madden 18: More Draft Stories And Further Tweaks

Madden 18 boasts new features and modes, fans are sure this game will be better as it continues to make improvement and tweaks it accordingly. Shockingly, the highly anticipated football video game Madden NFL 18 allow fans to earn more prizes and items. The Madden NFL Club Championship is open to any player, and the further information and news, see more at here. Now, here's what's new for Madden 18: 



Blue/Red Chip Checks Updated For Madden 18: The checks against players at different positions have been retuned for Madden 18 draft classes. 


Further Tweaks To The Algorithm: True value rating algorithm tweaked to further normalise it across positions and to make sure certain archetypes aren't penalised.


Scouted Skill Abbreviations: You asked for it, I listened. You can now use abbreviations when entering the scouted skills for players, speeding up input and improving the user experience.


Choose Player Archetypes: The player type (e.g. 3-4 Pass Rusher, Cover 2, Run Stopper etc.) will now affect the Grade given to players in the tool. This will help you find players that perfectly fit your scheme. 


More Draft Stories: I'm pretty sure I've got 99% of the draft stories covered off in the tool now (N.B. some stories are part of a broader archetype that has the same effect but different wording depending on position – check the Draft Stories tab in the tool). Keep an eye out for stories in Draft week itself, not many people know about these ones. 


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